Tuesday, 2 July 2013
Glastonbury: the sporty ageism aimed at at the continuing Stones is actually weak
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Glastonbury: the sporty ageism aimed at at the continuing Stones is actually weak
He's got the moves … Mick Jagger. snap: Rex Features
So it seems that there
was some little event last weekend calledGlastonbury? With some band called the Rolling
Stones? Maybe you saw some articles in some newspapers about it?
For an assortment of
reasons I took a break from Glastonbury this year – in many ways, my brain is
still in mending from the last time around – meaning that I actually read the
coverage of the festival and was both boggled and impressed by the tenacity of
some of the misconceptions people hold about an event that has happened nearly
every year for nearly half a century in this country. The griping has become as
much of a tradition as Glastonbury itself and for the sake of brevity, I
shall sum up these complaints in list form:
1. "The party is
no longer a wild and treacherous counter-cultural hippy haven. It's so communal!"
2. "Oh my God,
it's just full of poshos and celebs! What an effing joke!"
3. "Look at all
the old people on phase! Gross!"
The react to the first
cry is something along the lines of "No shit, Sherlock". Complaining
that Glastonbury has become corporate is like complaining that Christmas is all
about commercialism. Truly, is there are anything more tedious than someone adopting a world-weary pose about how everything was so much more
bohemian in their day when bands would play spontaneous free concerts on milk floats
in Carnaby Street while Robert Plant and Jimi Hendrix smoked acid in the
audience? There is not. So in order to save us all this ridiculous rigmarole
next year, let me say once and for all nobody – NOBODY – goes to Glastonbury
for a counter-cultural experience. People go to see some music, eat posh
burgers and lie about in a field, and it has been thus for years. And you know
what? That's not a flipping crime.
Second, the celebs and
poshos. No, the festival is not "full of them", although there are a
lot of them. The reason it seems as if the festival is full of them to people
who have never gone is because newspaper picture editors are more interested in
them than they are in the non-posh, non-famous folk. Next!
Ah, the oldies. Now
here is a moan I really have no time for at all. Every year people gasp in
horror about how many old people are on the bill at Glastonbury, apparently
unaware that old people are always on the bill at Glastonbury – so again, NOT
NEWS, get over it – for the very simple reason that quite a few old people are
in the music business. And why would they not be? Did anyone ever really think
Keith Richards would crawl off quietly to Bournemouth on his 65th birthday? If Mick Jagger can survive the embarrassment of the Dancing in the Street video, I think
he can surmount the crime – the terrible, terrible crime! – of getting older.
The generally agreed highlights
this year came from Nile Rodgers (60), Kenny Rogers (74) and, yes, the Rolling
Stones (average age 69), yet despite their astonishing energy and, in the case
of Jagger, their even more astonishingly young-looking physique carved out by a reportedly exhausting exercise regime, snarks and jokes
about their age began as soon as they appeared on stage. One newspaper found
Jagger and Keith Richards' unadulterated oldness so shocking that they splashed
closeup photos of them on their front page – STOP THE PRESSES! TWO MEN ARE OVER
65! AND THEY'RE OUT IN PUBLIC! – beneath the headline "Glastonbury's night of the living dead!" That many of this paper's readers, to say
nothing of their columnists, are about that age did nothing to qualm that
organ's ageism, which now appears to take in men as much as women. This, by the
by, is not a step ahead.
People have been
making jokes about the Rolling Stones' age since I was born. As the annual groans about Glastonbury's corporatisation
prove, clearly some people don't get tired of wheeling out the same old
non-complaints, now matter how worn they might be from overuse. Yet it feels
worth reiterating that casual ageism isn't "less bad" than any of the
other nasty-isms, even if it is, for whatever reason, more accepted. Seeing as
we're all going to live a little longer, and have to work a lot longer, it
might be time for some people to get over their prejudice against working
Nymag.com recently investigated how ingrained ageism (coupled with
sexism) remains in Hollywood by comparing the ages of leading men and the actresses who play
against them, confirming the widely held suspicion that, while men are allowed
to age in the movies, women are not. Instead, women are expected to play
mothers to actors who are the same age as them.
Hollywood's attitude
to women and age is widely and rightly deemed to be ridiculous. But it's no
less pathetic to yap on and on about how hilarious it is that some people,
somewhere, have grown older. To suggest that musicians should tastefully retire
when they hit 35 is about as ridiculous as Hollywood's belief that any woman
over 40 is a desiccated crone.
People who have
plastic surgery are mocked in the media, yet so are those who dare to leave
their wrinkles un-Botoxed. Presumably those who are so grossed out by Jagger's
age would like to trap him and put him on an ice floe, but sadly they can't
catch him as he's in such good shape and can outrun us all. Oh well, let's just
point and make fun of his age then, right? That joke never looks tired. UNLIKE
HIM, fnar fnar.
Jagger might be
looking older but he's sounding as young as ever. It's the tummy pain about him
and Glastonbury itself that are sound really inapt, out of handle and weak
these days.

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