Monday, 1 July 2013

Rrecently anoint abortion-rights power actor Wendy Davis says she won't rule out organization for Texas governor next year alongside Rick Perry

Rrecently anoint abortion-rights power actor Wendy Davis says she won't rule out organization for Texas governor next year alongside Rick Perry.

The filibustering Texas situation senator who became an for the night impression by temporarily overcrowding a bill banning abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy said Monday that she might try to unseat Texas Governor Rick Perry in 2014.
Would Wendy Davis agree to be the Democrats' gubernatorial entrant next year? 'I cannot rule that out,' she said.
But she may face charges of pretense if she runs for governor. Davis complained Sunday on Meet The Press that Republicans have been using the abortion issue to further their political careers - a charge the GOP would likely level at her if she were to run.
'What we saw in the capitol last week, really,' she said on the NBC program, 'was people who have grown weary of our politicians trying to boost their own political careers on the backs of women by bullying them, and others, honestly, in order to promote agendas that help them personally.'
Davis cautioned on Monday that her newborn celebrity, and the sudden support she has enjoyed from self-ruled politicians with high national profiles, 'forces a second look' at her political future, 'but I am not taking that seem right at this time.'

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